New Fishie

Meet my new Betta fish. His name is Slagathor.


I think you’ll find he is far superior to my previous fish, Toki, as he has yet to hurl himself out of the tank. Slagathor is very pretty with full pale blue fins. He may have an eating disorder though because he doesn’t seem to want any of the delicious worms I dangle in front of him. I think it’s sad that fish feel the size 0 pressure too.



Of course the world would be better off with more DIY-crafty-veg*an blogs, I am happy to oblige. I have my Livejournal for the boring personal diary posts so I hope to fill this space with all of my projects.

My big endeavour right now is cooking. I have decided again to make the leap from Vegetarian to Vegan and I really want it to stick this time. I believe that having the mad skillz to cook up a Vegan storm will help.

Cooking has never been my strong point, mostly because I am very lazy and anything other than “cut packet” and “reheat” seems like way too much effort.

As much as I would like to introduce myself and ramble about my plans, hopes and dreams… today has been marked by tragedy. This morning I walked into the loungeroom only to find my Betta Fish, Toki, dead on the floor. He and one of the Neon Tetras had somehow jumped out of the tank and plummeted to their deaths on the icy tiles below. : (

Why did they do it? Was living with me so bad that they had to resort to suicide? Was it some kind of suicide pact as a result of their forbidden love? Or the opposite. Were they having some kind of Fish mortal combat and one of them held on to a stray fin while the other pushed them out the tank?

Here is Toki (the blue one) after I first brought him home with his friend Skwisgaar (red one). They loved to pal around. Sadly Skwisgaar died of dropsy a while ago.

Swisgaar & Toki

I’m a bad fish parent.